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After a cold and snowy winter, the month of March with its mild temperatures was the backdrop for the regular vegetative recovery. In April, the return of cold temperatures, with late frosts with mild and limited effects, did not affect Nebbiolo, an early-developing variety potentially exposed.

The summer of good weather and temperatures without excesses continued until the second half of September when the significant temperature variations between night and day created the ideal conditions for the optimal phenolic maturation of the Nebbiolo grapes for Barbaresco.

At the beginning of October the bunches presented a very rich polyphenolic endowment, essential for producing structured and balanced wines, destined to last over time.



The 2020 vintage began with a winter without particular critical issues, characterized by mild temperatures and little precipitation, especially snow.

The first part of spring was relatively dry and sunny, guaranteeing a homogeneous vegetative growth.

The months of March and April passed under the banner of good weather and mild temperatures, with little rainfall, followed by quite rainy May and June: this allowed a significant accumulation of water in the soil which, combined with the not excessive temperatures of the summer it averted water stress phenomena.

The Nebbiolo matured in optimal conditions: the not excessive night temperatures led to a rapid accumulation of polyphenols; the sugar content was optimal, as was the acidity, all thanks to the abundant water supply with which the summer began.

We can say that we are faced with an excellent vintage, with wines that have the ideal characteristics to achieve long aging.


2021 - 2020




The 2019 vintage began with a long winter season with little snowfall and cold temperatures alternating with milder periods. Greater rainfall in spring provided the water reserves necessary to face the summer season. The summer began with late June and early July characterized by out-of-average temperatures, which however did not give clear signs in the wine, a sign of the farmers' great maturity in interpreting the new climatic panorama.

The heat, which then became milder, continued until the end of September. The Nebbiolo was harvested in the second part of October and its analytical parameters are classic, with a good sugar content and an excellent polyphenolic framework, suitable for ensuring wines with structure, excellent color and great aging potential.

The vineyard area reached 775 hectares and the production reached 4,915,749 bottles, the highest ever.




The year 2018 opened with a long winter that lasted until March with temperatures below average. Budding, although a little late, was uniform. Spring continued with frequent rainfall and moderate temperatures.

Between the end of May and the beginning of June there was a period characterized by abundant rain, which kept the winemakers very busy in managing the vineyard.

The development of the summer season was gradual and starting from mid-July the temperatures rose significantly, which, accompanied by a long period of good stable weather, favored the ripening of the grapes. The heat continued throughout September and the absence of rainfall ensured excellent crop health.

The sugar levels increased in the last period of the season as well as an acceleration of the phenolic maturity, which allowed the harvest to be achieved with excellent parameters.







Barbaresco 2016 is a wine to be preserved. His characters are intense and engaging, full and elegant. The aroma is very broad, with the fruity and floral notes in full evidence. The color is ruby and garnet, rich and distinct. The flavor is intense and persistent. In short, a Barbaresco of great substance, complex and long-lived.

As regards the climatic trend, the winter began with mild temperatures which facilitated the early start of the vegetative cycle. The climate of the first two months of the year was dry and the spring was cooler than usual, with the rains concentrated in April and May. Starting from the end of June, temperatures became decidedly more summery with highs above 30°C, with periods of heat interrupted by thunderstorms and also a sharp reduction in temperatures. At the end of the summer a more stable climate prevailed, which continued into autumn, favoring the excellent ripening of the grapes.

The viticultural potential of Barbaresco was 738 hectares and the actual production was 4,804,880 bottles, approximately 150 thousand pieces more than 2015.


The 2017 vintage began with a mild winter with little snow and a rather warm spring.

In April, some areas of the production region were affected by an early hailstorm followed by a frost and subsequent rain. The summer was hot and dry, leading to an early harvest. The generally dry and particularly hot climate has stressed the vines and reduced the quantitative potential of the vineyards with production 12% below average.

The 2017 Barbaresco is particularly available and ready to drink, with a beautiful color between ruby and garnet. On the nose a broad and rich aroma between fruity and floral but already spicy; the taste is harmonious and elegant, with a beautiful texture and pleasantness.

The 2017 vintage leaves us with wines of great perspective, confirming the great adaptability of Nebbioli and the vocation of our hills.

The viticultural potential of Barbaresco was 759 hectares of vines and the actual production was 4,213,585 bottles, 12% less than the previous year.







Barbaresco 2014 will undoubtedly be a great, long-lived wine full of personality.

In northern Italy which in 2014 had to live with a climate where the cold phases often surpassed the hot ones, even in the height of summer, Piedmont was able to count on much better atmospheric conditions which will give wines of excellent quality and pleasantness.

In an already positive regional context, the Barbaresco area signals an even more privileged situation, probably the most flattering of all of Northern Italy.

The winter was mild and the spring developed favorably, particularly in the crucial phases of flowering and fruit set. On the hills of Barbaresco, Treiso, Neive and San Rocco Seno d'Elvio, over 100 millimeters less water fell than in the rest of Piedmont.

An alternating summer, with hot and cooler periods, was followed by an "impeccable" month of September, hot during the day and cool at night, precisely the climate that most favors a late variety like Nebbiolo.

At the harvest (early October 2014), the Nebbiolo grapes from Barbaresco retained their integrity intact: beautiful, very healthy, appropriately turgid bunches arrived in the cellar, carefully thinned out by the experience of a winemaker who has been working on the plant for years to balance what nature gives with excessive fertility.

It can be said that Barbaresco 2014 will undoubtedly be a wine rich in personality, intense in color, broad on the nose and with a strong predisposition to resist time.


Barbaresco 2015 is a sumptuous wine: intense colors with a prevalence of ruby and garnet tones; broad and complex aromas, dominated by fruity and fragrant scents, which in the future will be completed by spicy notes; full, robust, compact flavours.

Thanks to the climate, an excellent quality of tannins emerges which certainly guarantees structured, elegant and long-lived wines.

The harvest started early, at the end of September. Summer temperatures peaked at around 40° but the heat did not cause any stress phenomena in the vineyards thanks to the abundant water reserves accumulated in the first months of the year.

The month of September had a positive trend with an ideal situation to guarantee balance and chromatic intensity to the Nebbiolo grapes.





The winter of 2013 was long, but atypical, with often mild temperatures: the cold peaks occurred in February, but they were brief. The snowfalls were also few and minor. In spring (from mid-March to the end of June), frequent and abundant rains prevailed.

The summer season had an alternating climatic pattern, with short periods of great heat, interspersed with sudden, often sensational, storms. The month of September was perfect, followed by a textbook October, with harvesting operations starting on October 10th.

In summary, it was a classic vintage, rightly late, with an important acidity, which forced us to wait for full maturation. It was the year of sunny positions and the most scrupulous winemakers.

Exciting wines have been produced, with beautiful olfactory breadth, great savory depth and long resistance over time. They are the favorite wines of those who love important Barbarescos with sumptuous combinations.

In 2013, the Nebbiolo vineyard from Barbaresco was 729 hectares and the actual production was 4,681,737 bottles.




After the first relatively harsh months, the big cold arrived in February 2012, with temperatures always below zero for fifteen days and nighttime peaks as low as -15°. The situation improved in the middle of the month and then in March, with a sharp increase in temperatures at the end of the period. The climatic alternation prevailed between April and mid-June, with a clear predominance of clouds and rain.

Summer broke out in mid-June with an initial sultry period. The heat continued into July, but with frequent cooling storms. August was hot bordering on muggy and dry. Only in the last part did the autumnal climate prevail, which continued throughout most of September. The Nebbioli harvest returned to normal times between 25 September and 10 October.

Despite the vehemence of some climatic phases, 2012 brought structure and substance to the wines. The olfactory complex is broad, initially fruity and then in harmony between fruit, ethereal and spices. Longevity is also excellent.

In 2012, the surface area of Nebbiolo from Barbaresco was 725 hectares with an actual production of 4,367,027 bottles.





2011 was climatically “unconventional”. The most regular season was winter, although not very harsh and snowy. Spring started in the classic way, but at the beginning of April there was a lot of sun and excessive heat for the period.

The same situation occurred in much of May. Flowering and fruit set took place early and regularly. Between the end of May and the beginning of June, the heat was replaced by a "temperate" period that lasted for most of the summer.

The frequent rains have made the vineyard lush and never stressed. After early veraison, ripening was accelerated by the heat of the second half of August. At the end of the month the "autumn" climate set in and lasted throughout September. The Nebbioli from Barbaresco were harvested in the second half of September.

We could define Barbaresco 2011 as "majestic and impeccable", a complex wine with great structures in both smell and flavour, capable of flattering satisfaction.

In 2011, Barbaresco's potential was 680 hectares. Actual production was 4,265,573 bottles.




There was little snow in the winter of 2010, but cold and frost dominated the period from December to March. Even spring did not reserve more favorable situations: only the last phase brought a bit of heat, during flowering and fruit set. For the rest, cold and rain took over: even the last week of June brought the heaviest rainfall.

July was hot, even muggy in some weeks, but an alternating August, with heavy rain in the middle of the month, slowed down ripening. The month of September was good, with good variations between day and night in the first part. The 2010 vintage was late, with the Nebbiolo harvest at the beginning of October and the best results where the winemakers put their professionalism to good use.

The 2010 Barbarescos are wines of great harmony, complex aromas and sure satisfaction and flavors that accompany the structure with the style of elegance.

In 2010, Barbaresco's vineyard potential reiterated the stability achieved: 685 hectares, from which 4,329,067 bottles were produced.





2009 was a harsh and snowy winter (one of the snowiest ever), a winter that also delayed vegetative growth. Spring, which began with good weather, was soon filled with rain throughout April. May, one of the hottest in recent times, rearranged things both for vegetative evolution and for production, favoring flowering and fruit set.

The months of June, July and the first days of August were alternating, with short stretches of heat and cooler periods. The change occurred between 7 and 10 August, with strong heat until the 23rd of the same month. A dry and hot September favored the harvest, which began on the 21st of the month. Some rains in the second part of September accelerated the ripening.

As for wines, the structure is the distinctive character,

accompanied by excellent colors, breadth of aromas and harmony between alcohol and acidity. There are those who spoke of similarities with 2004, but 2009 proved to be more structured and long-lived.

In 2009, the vineyard area remained fairly stable: 690 hectares from which 4,348,933 bottles were produced.




Contrary to the previous one, the winter of 2008 brought back the harsh climate, with good snowfall. Spring began regularly, but in the last part (between mid-May and mid-June) it gave rise to heavy rainfall, which cooled the climate and increased water reserves, with some problems for fruit setting and defense plant protection against Peronospora.

The summer continued with an alternating trend, without excessive temperatures. After mid-August and yet another storm, a long period of beautiful and stable weather began, lasting until mid-October. Therefore, the 2008 vintage was late and the harvest developed regularly and without haste in the first fortnight of October.

2008 proved to be a great year for Barbaresco, above all for its beautiful fullness and great structure, but without neglecting the refined elegance, or rather the precious and distinctive character of this wine throughout its production history.

In 2008, a registered vineyard area of 700 hectares corresponded to an actual production of 4,417,067 bottles.





In the Barbaresco area, the winter and spring of 2007 were mild and low in precipitation, both snow and rain, bringing the budding of the vine forward by about a month compared to normal.

From the end of May and in the following months, the climate alternated between heat and thunderstorms, with fairly cool nights.

This has gradually reduced the earliness of the year, also avoiding strong stress situations for the plant. The vineyard produced beautiful, healthy grapes rich in sugar and acid structure, with optimal ripeness. The harvest began in mid-September and concluded before the end of the month.

Barbaresco 2007 is the consequence of this particular climatic evolution: the color is rich, the aromatic complex expresses breadth and great intensity, the flavor notes a full but elegant structure. The aromatic persistence is long. Compared to 2006, the 2007 Barbaresco is a more open wine and ready to be tasted and consumed.

The 2007 economic data reveal a vineyard area registered in the Barbaresco Register of 699 hectares and an actual production of 4,305,307 bottles.




The winter of 2005/2006 finally brought good snowfall, while the spring season was a bit stingy with rain, creating the first risks of water shortages, which were then calmed by the rainy climate of the second half of June. The summer, which began with storms, returned to a dry climate with one of the hottest Julys up to that point and an early August in the same style.

The central part of August brought back water and refreshment, canceling out the precocity gained in the previous months.

The rains between 24 and 26 September only created some problems slowing down the harvest. 2006 was, therefore, the classic continental vintage, with the harvest of the Nebbiolo grapes from Barbaresco between the end of September and the beginning of October.

The 2006 Barbaresco immediately offered a beautiful structure, notable fullness and roundness, a way of being that allowed it to present its appearance of velvety elegance from a young age.

The economic data of Barbaresco Docg 2006 speak of a Nebbiolo vineyard area of 695 hectares and an actual production of 4,190,767 bottles.





In 2005, the harvest of the Nebbiolo grapes from Barbaresco ended at the end of September, quite early compared to a classic vintage. The climatic trend brought a winter with little snow and a wetter spring, which made up for pre-existing water shortages. The beginning of summer brought high temperatures already at the beginning of the month; a contradictory July followed, cool in the first part and hot in the second, with an alternating August, never sultry and never rainy.

When the drought was starting to make itself felt, the great disturbance that affected Northern Italy on 20 and 21 August brought the right humidity, with a positive impact on the continuation of the season. After some rain at the beginning of September, the month continued hot and dry, favoring an early and less fertile harvest than 2004.

Time has supported the evolution in the cellar, giving a wine of excellent structure, broad on the nose, of great depth in the mouth, initially with a slightly angular tannin.

The 685 hectares of vineyards in the area of origin produced 3,717,866 bottles of Barbaresco DOCG in 2005.




After 2003 characterized by drought and record heat, 2004 offered a more alternative, cooler climate with greater rainfall.

The 2004 Barbaresco was born under the banner of greater climatic balance, with a hot summer but with frequent refreshing interruptions and a month of September which offered sunny and breezy days.

The harvest of Nebbiolo from Barbaresco began between the end of September and the beginning of October and was completed towards the middle of the month. The abundance favored by an inherently fertile year and by the favorable climate during flowering was attenuated by careful summer thinning.

The climatic harmony was transferred to the fruit and then to the wine, whose aroma was immediately broad and elegant, with fruity notes that have now evolved, accompanied by decisive ethereal and spicy hints. The flavor is full and warm, but with an intense and elegant structure.

The viticultural potential of Barbaresco DOCG in the 2004 vintage had a vineyard area of 680 hectares, from which an effective production of 3,982,133 0.75 liter bottles resulted.

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